Friday, October 17, 2008

Is it Friday Yet?

Thank goodness it's Friday! I'm going to be busy sewing again for my show in two weeks. But...before I can get to that, I have to do my homework. In addition to my day job, and my little business here, I am a full time student. I am suffering in an economics class. While I want to understand the economy more, I just don't see why I need to know the slope and the curve and all the mad calculations you need to get there!!

Stay tuned for new pics of the studio this weekend. It's finally totally installed, my back was killing me though. Now I'm trying to put stuff away and work at the same time. I must say I love having a seperate desk and sewing station. I can pop over to the computer every now and then in between seams.

Ok, off to bed now...what a week!

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